When the gods dance...

Monday, June 25, 2012

CISPA lawmaker says Obama will sign CISPA

CISPA lawmaker says Obama will sign CISPA

Republican congressman Mike Rogers, who was one of the sponsors the controversial Cyber Intelligence Security Protection Act, has expressed positivism on the subject of CISPA. According to the legislator who also sits as chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, President Obama is likely to sign CISPA it into law.

photo: factfive.com

“[I]f we can get a bill on information-sharing to the president’s desk, he’ll sign it. I do believe that,” Rep. Rogers said this week during a panel discussion on the bill, reports Daily Dot.

Earlier this year, the Obama Administration responded to the interest CISPA was building up among civil rights groups and societal outrage by releasing a statement expressing the administration's attitude against the bill.

“The sharing of information must be conducted in a manner that preserves Americans' privacy, data confidentiality and civil liberties and recognizes the civilian nature of cyberspace… Cybersecurity and privacy are not mutually exclusive. Moreover, information sharing, while an essential component of comprehensive legislation, is not alone enough to protect the nation's core critical infrastructure from cyber threats. Accordingly, the administration strongly opposes H.R. 3523, the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act, in its current form.”

If CISPA is enacted into law it could create “a Cyber Industrial Complex” that would allow the federal government and its Big Business cohorts to profit off of the personal info of any American with an Internet connection. Read more

Last year the White House also insisted that president Obama would veto the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 with the provisions for indefinitely detaining American citizens, nevertheless to our surprise he did not veto this unconstitutional Act, even if he signed the NDAA with reservations.

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