When the gods dance...

Saturday, July 9, 2011

“Final Act of Self Expression”

Make your funeral unforgettable with “Final Act of Self Expression”


Do you live in terror of your family burying you in a frilly monstrosity complete with coral lipstick and blue eyeshadow, an outfit you wouldn’t be caught dead in even if you were, well, dead?

Fear no more if you happen to live in London thanks to a collaboration between the Leverton & Sons mortuary and make-up company, Illamsqua, who got together to make your dreams become reality once you’ve embarked on the Eternal Sleep.

You choose your own clothing or costume... dress as if you were going to a masquerade party or 'fancy dress ball,' as the British call it. Express the ballerina within .... the poet, the statesman, the queen, the ultimate nerd, if you want. And, of course, you will want to design your make-up to leave your viewers a most lasting impression. They will never forget you... promise.

And the best part is you don’t have to listen to a word of complaint about your choice. You only die once, so make the best of it.

Full story at Illamasqua via Inventor Spot.

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