When the gods dance...

Friday, July 15, 2011

The Smithsonian’s Hardcore History Posters Rule | Badass Digest

The Smithsonian’s Hardcore History Posters Rule

This new ad campaign by The Smithsonian puts into perspective just how fucking badass some of the great historical figures are. I love them, and I hope they keep putting out more. Here are the three I’ve seen, courtesy of Ali Arikan.

About Devin Faraci
A ten year veteran of the web, Devin has built a reputation as a loud, uncompromising and honest voice – sometimes to the chagrin of his readers, but usually to their delight. A well known apologist for the Friday the 13th films and a worshiper at the altar of the original Star Trek, Devin is passionate in his dedication to the weirdest and wildest movies.

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