When the gods dance...

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Anonymous Goes Legit ? Introducing the Anon Political Party

Anonymous Goes Legit ? Introducing the Anon Political Party

As a politico-economic system, neoliberalism ascends above national and regional politics. Some refer to it as global corporatism whereby multinational corporations have unique resources to exert their political and economic control on national governments as well as international institutions.
While each country is now dealing with civil and economic crisis that have trickled down in the form of austerity measures by each government, world citizens are fighting within the ideological boundaries of national sovereignty.
How do you address a global problem within these limitations? You can create policies and regulations to deal with immediate national needs; however, these global power institutions embodied in corporations remain in power, dictating the course and fate of nations.

Today I learned of the potential realization of a new global political party founded by the cyber-organization Anonymous. A legal political force, Anonymous claims, that would no longer engage in cyber-attacks, that would no longer would need a mask: The Anon Party: it states,

Our Mission

This is a political advocacy group. Its mission is to provide anonymous with legal channels with which it can fight for its goals of Internet freedom and civil rights, as these legal channels are what anonymous is most lacking at the moment. It also exists so that those who agree with anonymous' goals, but disagree with its methods, are able to get involved.

Their explanation continues;

Anonymous is entering a new stage in its evolution. We are transitioning from attacking the system from the outside to restructuring it from the inside. There are people from all political parties that support Internet freedom and civil rights. Although these people support our goals, they were averse to the tactics we used to advance them. Today, we are founding an Anonymous-affiliated political party. Our representatives will advocate for the Internet and civil rights overlooked by other political parties of the world. We will do so legally, for the benefit of all people.
We will not hack websites. We will not use DDOS attacks. Although these methods were effective in turning the media's attention to civil rights violations when our numbers were small, and we had limited options, we now have the numbers to make a difference legally. We can now attain the support of the general public.

This political organization will begin a legitimate movement. Anonymous is now open to a wider variety of people, not just hackers and tech-savvy people on the Internet. All those who support Internet freedoms and individual rights will join our ranks.

When we become a political force, we will have a legitimate impact on public policy. We will span across more than just governments. We will be directly involved in the political process, while fighting the corrupt practices that pervade it, and will use it to support individual freedoms.

There will be a day when Anonymous will no longer have to wear masks to support freedom. On that day we will have won. The formation of this party brings us one step closer to seeing that day.

We were Anonymous.
But we do not forgive
and we do not forget.
You should have expected us.
See Video Here

Would a global political party centered around civil liberties and human rights be enough to challenge neoliberalism? I am not sure whether this would be feasible. However, this news brings into light the need for a global movement of people. It sure makes people step out of their conceptual limitations to analyze globalization and neoliberalism as a much larger force as opposed to national economic and political discourse.

It is time to examine the possibility of creating a global network of world citizens. Our individual struggles are the struggles of the world citizenry. Your struggles are the struggles of the protesters demonstrating against austerity measures in Greece, Spain, unions, environmentalists. When you understand that the fight is not against governments, per se, but rather a fight to protect humanity across the globe, you will see there is much we share with our global brothers and sisters: we all want to protect our rights as human beings: no more, no less.

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