When the gods dance...

Thursday, August 4, 2011

The USA: Gadgetry Without Content


An observation. This is the century of communications gadgetry: smart phones; players; pads; pods. Problem imo is the content "communicated:" mediocre at best; boring is the norm. No wonder kids are "bored." Stale music. Retro fashion. Formulaic film (no script, no problem. use special effects).

Gadgetry without meaningful content is, I think, a metaphor for our nation. Our president is a gadget without content:) What happened to American innovation? We've forgotten that content-creation is the core of culture and positive change.  And I don't mean web platforms and tools/gadgets. Those who design the gadgets and create the platforms fail in the main at content-creation so they leave that to everyman and supply him and her with simple gadgets that enable the unprepared, undereducated and talentless to, say, add a prerecorded drum track to random tones on a keyboard and call it "music" or make millions of videos about "me" and my shoe collections and similar high value topics. What happened to the paradigm busters? The true creators? The culture shapers? Those who "make" new music genres? Who develop new, more efficient economic models? We used to have an abundance of innovators in the USA. Are the creators bored to death? Struggling to survive slinging coffee because they can't or won't program games or aps. I don't know.

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