When the gods dance...

Monday, October 3, 2011

Anonymous announces Operation Invade Wall Street - National Anonymous


 As part of their on-going support and sponsorship of Occupy Wall Street, the nebulous and notorious international Internet hacktivist collective known as Anonymous announced a new Operation Monday: Operation Invade Wall Street.

The Anonymous announcement promises that “On October 10th, NYSE shall be erased from the Internet. On October 10th, expect a day that will never, ever, be forgotten.”

Operation Invade Wall Street is scheduled to be a DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack targeting the New York Stock Exchange. A Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack is an orchestrated attempt to make a computer resource unavailable to its intended users, in this case the announced target is the New York Stock Exchange.

Representatives of Anonymous released two separate videos in the last 24 hours - one meant  for the public, and another meant for the media. Both videos articulate a  justification for Operation Invade Wall Street.

The following is an excerpt from the video meant for the media:

It seems that the government and Federal agencies enjoy enforcing the law a little bit too much. They instate unjust laws as mindless automatons, blindly following orders with soulless precision.
We witness the Government enforcing the laws that punish the 99% while allowing the 1% to escape justice, unharmed, for their crimes against the people.
We have observed this same Government failing to enforce even the minimal legal restraints of Wall Street’s abuses. This Government who has willingly ignored the greed at Wall Street has even bailed out the perpetrators that have caused our crisis.
This is why we choose to declare our war against the New York Stock Exchange. We can no longer stay silent as the population is being exploited and forced to make sacrifices in the name of profit.
We will show the world that we are true to our word. On October 10th, NYSE shall be erased from the Internet. On October 10th, expect a day that will never, ever, be forgotten.

While the following is an excerpt from the video meant for the general public:

Citizens of the World,

We are Anonymous.

A new civil rights movement has begun. Over the past few days, thousands of people have chosen to take a stand against these injustices. The 1% has abused the freedom they have been given. We are taking to the streets to show the wealthy elite that we, the 99%, are no longer going to grease the gears of this abhorrent system.
The lifeblood of the country is the working class, without it our people and our economy will crumble. Those who sustain present-day colonialism are the enablers of modern-day fascism. Our government has granted hefty tax exemptions to the rich at the cost of our social services. We as taxpayers have served as the multi-billion dollar credit line to the companies and banks that continue to systematically abuse us.

We are forced out of our homes. We are denied medical care. We suffer from poverty and pollution. We work long hours just to stay afloat, while the 1% reap benefits we can only imagine. Our sworn enemy is the corrupted corporation. --We are the 99%.

You have complained that something needs to be done. You now have an opportunity to make a difference. Join the protests. Organize your own. Watch online. Be a part of the movement.

Vox Populi, Vox Anon.
The Voice of The People is the Voice of Anonymous.
We are your voice. We are the 99%.
We do not forgive corruption. We do not forget mistreatment.
Wall Street, Expect us.

Occupy Wall Street is an ongoing non-violent demonstration opposing corporate influence over U.S. politics. Inspired by the Arab Spring, the aim of the demonstration is to maintain a sustained occupation of Wall Street and the financial district of New York City.

Occupy Wall Street was originally organized by Adbusters, a Canadian anti-consumerist magazine, and subsequently endorsed and promoted by the notorious international Internet hacktivist collective known as Anonymous.

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