When the gods dance...

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Gay protestors make out in front of the Pope during Spain visit


This is exactly what it looks like: the Pope in his Popemobile (a.k.a. state of the art dunk tank), parading past at least sixteen different gay men making out. It was all part of a planned protest in Spain against His Holiness, who hates gay marriage.

Pope Benedict was in the European country to condemn it for recently legalizing homosexual unions and abortions, but these dudes weren't going to let him get away with it. The New York Daily News says there were "about 200 gay men and women," which other outlets did not dispute. (I was only able to spot two lesbian couples in various images floating around.)

Unfortunately, the Pope might not have even seen these folks because there were reportedly 249,800 other Spanish folks out to wave and praise His Holiness yesterday. What, exactly, does this guy do for the world again?

In vaguely related news, the first openly homosexual Episcopalian bishop has stepped down following years of death threats and other pressures of being a figure of such great controversy.

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