When the gods dance...

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Steve Jobs at home: 1982


“This was a very typical time. I was single. All you needed was a cup of tea, a light, and your stereo, you know, and that’s what I had.” —Steve Jobs


  1. No Lisa. No Walkman. No TV/VCR. No cell phone. The unconnected man. Without static, without distraction. Zen. Can anyone focus and create surrounded by all of the Job's iDevices? Could he?

  2. About this photo. Contrived? Of course. All photos, all art, is a selection. Jobs was a man who controlled his image. It is, therefore, revealing (at least to me) that he decided to present himself in Zen simplicity rather than surrounded by a room full of "devices." His mantra was "simplicity." Beyond this, who knows how Jobs actually lived? Very private man. I don't think a man as creative and prolific as he spent his day like many of us: iPhone nearby; MacBook or two on lap; XBox warming up; and TV streaming Hulu. A man creating and selling toys would not want to be perceived at toyless:)

  3. About this photo. Contrived? Of course. All photos, all art, is a selection. Jobs was a man who controlled his image. It is, therefore, revealing (at least to me) that he decided to present himself in Zen simplicity rather than surrounded by a room full of "devices." His mantra was "simplicity." Beyond this, who knows how Jobs actually lived? Very private man. I don't think a man as creative and prolific as he spent his day like many of us: iPhone nearby; MacBook or two on lap; XBox warming up; and TV streaming Hulu. A man creating and selling toys would not want to be perceived at toyless:)
