When the gods dance...

Sunday, October 7, 2012



New research suggests that American schoolchildren are becoming less creative.

If anything makes Americans stand tall internationally it is creativity.  “American ingenuity” is admired everywhere. We are not the richest country (at least not as measured by smallest percentage in poverty), nor the healthiest (far from it), nor the country whose kids score highest on standardized tests (despite our politicians’ misguided intentions to get us there), but we are the most inventive country.  We are the great innovators, specialists in figuring out new ways of doing things and new things to do. Perhaps this derives from our frontier beginnings, or from our unique form of democracy with its emphasis on individual freedom and respect for nonconformity.  In the business world as well as in academia and the arts and elsewhere, creativity is our number one asset.  In a recent IBM poll, 1,500 CEOs acknowledged this when they identified creativity as the best predictor of future success.[1] 

It is sobering, therefore, to read Kyung Hee Kim’s recent research report documenting a continuous decline in creativity among American schoolchildren over the last two or three decades.[2]

Kim, who is a professor of education at the College of William and Mary, analyzed scores on a battery of measures of creativity—called the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (TTCT)—collected from normative samples of schoolchildren in kindergarten through twelfth grade over several decades.  According to Kim’s analyses, the scores on these tests at all grade levels began to decline somewhere between 1984 and 1990 and have continued to decline ever since. The drops in scores are highly significant statistically and in some cases very large.  In Kim’s words, the data indicate that “children have become less emotionally expressive, less energetic, less talkative and verbally expressive, less humorous, less imaginative, less unconventional, less lively and passionate, less perceptive, less apt to connect seemingly irrelevant things, less synthesizing, and less likely to see things from a different angle.”

According to Kim’s research, all aspects of creativity have declined, but the biggest decline is in the measure called Creative Elaboration, which assesses the ability to take a particular idea and expand on it in an interesting and novel way. Between 1984 and 2008, the average Elaboration score on the TTCT, for every age group from kindergarten through 12th grade, fell by more than 1 standard deviation. Stated differently, this means that more than 85% of children in 2008 scored lower on this measure than did the average child in 1984.  Yikes.

You might wonder how creativity can be assessed.  By definition, any test with questions that have just one right answer or one correct pathway to solution is not a test of creativity.  The Torrance Tests were developed by E. Paul Torrance in the late 1950s, when he was an education professor at the University of Minnesota.  During the immediate post-Sputnik period, the U.S. government was concerned with identifying and fostering giftedness among American schoolchildren, so as to catch up with the Russians (whom we mistakenly thought were ahead of us in scientific innovation). 

While most of Torrance’s colleagues focused on standard measures of intelligence as a path toward doing this, Torrance chose to focus on creativity.  His prior work with fighter pilots in the Air Force had convinced him that creativity is the central variable underlying personal achievement and ability to adapt to unusual conditions.[3]  He set about developing a test in which people are presented with various kinds of stimuli and are asked to do something with them that is interesting and novel—that is, creative.  The eventual result was the set of tests that now bear his name.  In the most often used of these tests, the stimuli are marks on paper--such as a squiggly line or a set of parallel lines and circles—and the task is to make drawings that incorporate and expand on those stimuli. The drawings are scored according to the degree to which they include such qualities as originality, meaningfulness, and humor.

The best evidence that the Torrance Tests really do measure creative potential come from longitudinal research showing strong, statistically significant correlations between childhood scores on the TTCT and subsequent real-world achievements.[4]  As the authors of one article commenting on these results put it, high scorers “tallied more books, dances, radio shows, art exhibits, software programs, advertising campaigns, hardware innovations, music compositions, public policies (written or implemented), leadership positions, invited lectures, and buildings designed” than did those who scored lower.[5]

Indeed, the TTCT seems to be the best predictor of lifetime achievement that has yet been invented. It is a better predictor than IQ, high-school grades, or peer judgments of who will achieve the most.[6]  The correlation coefficients found between childhood TTCT scores and real-world adult creative achievements have ranged from a low of about .25 to a high of about .60, depending on which tests are included and how adult creative achievements are assessed.[6]

So, the decline in TTCT scores among school-aged children indeed does appear to be cause for concern.  Kim herself calls it the “creativity crisis,” and that term has been picked up in a number of articles in popular magazines.

COMMENT:  Let's all think on this. What obvious changes have occurred beginning in the late eighties? Could the internet and gaming have anything to do with this? Decline in reading? Elimination of any activity that requires kids to use their own imaginations and create rather than have the virtual world do it for them?

1 comment:

  1. I'm a gamer and I admit I uncritically embraced technology most of my life. A summer spent with my grandson changed my views on immersive technology, gaming included, and education in general.

    I'm from another world:) When I was a boy we had one TV and the handful of stations were controlled by Dad. What did we do with the rest of our time? I was forced to create my own worlds, and that included lots of detail that wasn't delivered to me by others. In modern terms, kids were their own content creators. I began reading science fiction. Guess my imagination was always connected to the heavens. Reading challenges the mind to create "visuals" from words. Reading has pretty much been replaced by games, cable content, and other visual content that comes from the rather mediocre, imho, imaginations of others. Even worse, most of this content is driven by sales and marketing interests. The science fiction books I read had no advertising or product placement. One TV per household has been replaced by personal cable tvs, computers, gaming consoles, and smart devices. Good god, kids are subjected to an unceasing bombardment of imagery designed by those who want to sell something. They have lost the ability to imagine their own worlds.

    I asked my grandson about his school in Tucson. Did they have music classes? Yes. Oh, and have you studied any classics? No. He studied AC/DC. The one classic piece he knows comes from viewing "Clockwork Orange" at age ten or so. Can't, of course, read music. Most of the creative producers of music in the past had extensive exposure to many genres. The big mistake we boomers made was to develop educational environments based on the belief that wild, unstructured classrooms would give birth to a generation of creative geniuses. This generation seems to think that throwing more technology at kids will save the day. Fact is, no one has yet to prove that computers in the classroom has made any meaningful difference in learning and creativity. Education, however, is a big profit center for Apple and other tech producers. So we have school systems firing teachers on the one hand and investing in glam tech on the other. Insane.

    Again I come from another world. I was taught by nuns. We had some textbooks that were decades old. No photos. No four color. When I read "Caesar's Conquests" in the original Latin I had to invent Gaul, Caesar, and his army in my imagination. There was discipline in my school. Sloppy thinking got you a few whacks with a ruler on the hand. What I learned is that one can't be creative and productive without being disciplined first. Once one embraces discipline one is truly free. The modern limited attention span has more to do, I think, with lack of structured education than TV. My grandson plays the same XBox game for hours on end. Unfortunately, he has few interests beyond that FPS world. Schools have changed dramatically in the past few decades. I was in textbook publishing when the coffee table, four color textbooks were introduced. Big money. Even bigger bucks now that publishers can create keys online to unlock content each semester and eliminate used books. Education is driven these days more by corporate profits than genuine interest in unlocking young minds.
