When the gods dance...

Wednesday, June 15, 2011



I love the Asian man who takes my cash refund bottles and cans. I call him Buddha. These are hard times and there is much competition for the cash refunds. Like most of us who are too lazy, or don't have the wolf actually scratching at the door, I put mine in the recycle container. They disappear almost immediately. I've had conflict with aggressive, dangerous bottle thieves and I used to shake my finger at Buddha when I saw him leaning over my fence. Unlike others, Buddha smiled back at me. Beautiful smile.

Buddha rides a bicycle. For a man his age he is graceful and energetic with a light in his eyes. I met him for the first time after I recovered from my illness and began taking out the trash again once a week. It was 3:00 am on a very foggy, wet morning. I was in deep thought, dark thought, and didn't expect anyone to be out at that time. All of a sudden Buddha appeared shooting out of the fog on his bike. He gave me his lovely smile and pointed to the recycle bin.

Buddha doesn't talk. I don't think he understands English. He is like a mime. I've learned over time to communicate with him using gestures as in charades. Amazing thing about Buddha is that he shows up on his bike at the exact time I put out my trash, and that time varies wildly. I have no idea where he lives and I never actually see him coming. He...materializes:) After a few encounters I understood that he would take the cash value material and in return he would roll out the containers I keep behind the fence. I showed him that I was uncomfortable with this arrangement because I thought a man his age should be treated with respect. He, on the other hand, forcefully showed me his determination to work this way. Buddha is unconcerned about his place in the world and wanted to show his appreciation. OK.


Recently the recycle bin has been pretty much emptied of value by the time I put it out. I lock the fence but bottle robbers use grabbers like those used by the handicapped. I can't control this. I decided, therefore, to put all the bottles and cans in a separate sack and save them all for Buddha. Last week I gave the sack to him for the first time and he was stunned.

Yesterday I came home from a walk on the beach in the magnificent sun, feeling good, and prepared to put out the trash. Buddha came. I gestured to the Sun with enthusiasm and he did the same. Gave me a thumbs up. Then he opened his arms and we embraced. I am so blessed at times, and this was one of them. The Sun and Buddha. The core of my spirituality manifest. Buddha gave me his usual military salute as he sped away and I returned it.


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